Video game "Fads" that need to make a comeback.
The question of the day is, what features, trends, or fads from video gaming are about due for a comeback?
So, let me argue in favor of FMV cutscenes. Yes, they were cheesy, but anyone who watches old movies knows that cheesy isn't necessarily a bad thing! And many of these FMVs were definitely the good kind of cheesy. Command & Conquer, need I say more?
Yes, they were cheaply produced, but that also means that they were cheap to produce! In an age of exponentially increasing development budgets and cutscenes that can cost a million to produce, that can only be a good thing.
Lastly, FMVs were a distinctly gamey style of doing cutscenes. They were influenced by film, but no one would ever mistake them for being film, talking at the 4th wall and all that. When you see one, you know that THIS IS A GAME. This is a game from the mid to late 90s, and everyone knows that that was easily the best period in gaming history.
Game cutscenes don't have to look like something Pixar made to be good, in fact that's largely responsible for the massive development budgets. Tone it down a little, grab the janitor and stick him in front of the webcam. There's your cutscene. Awesome.