Any COD fans Want to see a new WWII Installment?
I know Call of Duty games aren't always this community's favorite but I've been a long-time fan of the COD series, but for a completely different reason than most, I despise the online multiplayer aspect of almost every game and COD is no exception but I've always loved the campaigns, although they're notoriously short they give me that quick fix of cinematic FPS goodness I sometimes crave.
The Past few modern setting COD games have had pretty good stories and all the interesting gunplay and variety that modern weapons and technology have had to offer, but lately I've gotten sick of all the glowing green lights and laser pointers, rocket drones, attack choppers, cheesy cold war style villains, and I've started to miss the good ol' simplicity and epic scale of when it was all World War 2 all the time. I know people got sick of it and that's why it shifted to being more modern warfare, but I feel like now the opposite has happened, we've been smothered with so many modern combat titles that now a brand new WWII campaign would be a breath of fresh air.
Think about it, the last World War 2 COD game was World at War which was released back in 2008. That was 6 years ago! Technology has improved so drastically since then, look at how great some of the last games in the series have looked and felt, now imagine huge scale warfare in the trenches of old using today's technology and there are still so many aspects of the war that haven't even been touched yet so it wouldn't even have to be a rehash with better graphics, they could make an awesome entirely new campaign!
Maybe its just because I'm a sucker for WWII history but I think a new COD game set back in it's old roots could be fairly popular and help the series from feeling stale by giving the community a nostalgic change of pace Does anyone else agree? Would anyone else like to see how modern technology could render a new World War 2 game, and are there any parts of WWII specifically that you would like to see covered?